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Sardinia: where oldest european people leaves

Below, is a nice video on the most ancient European people, the Sardinians.
The earliest evidence of human life in Sardinia date back between 100,000 and 500,000 years ago, before Homo sapiens. For thousands of years, the waters of the Mediterranean Sea was much lower than now, such as the Island of Elba, it seems that it was within walking distance from Italy, and perhaps even Sardinia, otherwise not explained how the homo erectus could have access ...

Nuraghe, Sardinia
The inaccessibility of the interior of Sardinia (the area called Barbagia), has helped to maintain the traditions, despite numerous invasions over the centuries that have followed.

It was probably one of those people of the sea, travelers already 4500 years ago, as evidenced by the Cardium Pottery, in practice the earthenware jars that were decorated with the signs of the shells, jars found throughout the Mediterranean basin, from this exchange of goods, Sardins, ops call them Sherden, the name that the ancient Egyptians gave to them, over time, I said, perhaps due to the fact that in Nuragi civilization (Nuragi were stone fortresses) are proof of that - perhaps because they were able to make agreements with other peoples of the sea, they became pirates, feared and respected throughout antiquity , if you think that after fighting with the Pharaohs, the masters of Egypt ', took them as his personal guard, paying them as mercenaries.
Sardinia nuraghe re-builded
Sardinia there have always been important mineral mines, such as obsidian, useful for building weapons, perhaps because they learned to defend themselves against other nations - the

  • In the following centuries, the Roman Empire was not enough, not enough, the Byzantines nor the Spanish, Italians, and even to destroy their distrust, their culture and their traditions, and this thing is very beautiful, in an almost unbelievable 'era of globalization.
  • The homogeneity of the population, contrasts with phenomena of localized gene flow (from Spain, Africa, etc..). The genetic data are consistent with a very mild effect in terms of gene flow operated by the colonizing peoples of the Neolithic and historical periods.
  • The number of accumulated mutations in chromosomal regions not recombinant, has been employed as a molecular clock. The interpretation of the results would trace the current Sardinian population from various populations that may have reached the island in several waves from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Bronze Age.

A word of advice?
Go to visit Sardinia, I'm sure You will not remain disappointed, it's a great Italian place for tourism.


sardinian people
Sardina: Sherden
the People of the sea
Ecco, di seguito, un bel video sul più antico popolo europeo, i Sardi.
Le prime testimonianza di vita umana in Sardegna risalgono addirittura tra 100 mila e 500 mila anni fa, prima dell'homo sapiens. Per migliaia di anni, il Mar Mediterraneo aveva le acque molto più basse di ora, ad esempio l'Isola d'Elba sembra che fosse raggiungibile a piedi dall'Italia, e forse anche la Sardegna, altrimenti non si spiega come l'homo erectus vi sia potuto accedere...

L'inaccessibilità dell'interno, cioè della Barbagia, ha aiutato a mantenere le tradizioni, nonostante le tante invasioni che nei secoli si sono susseguite.

Probabilmente fu uno di quei popoli del mare, viaggiatori già 4.500 anni fa, come dimostra la Cultura della Ceramica Cardiale, in pratica dei vasetti di coccio che venivano decorati con i segni delle conchiglie, vasetti ritrovati in tutto il bacino del Mediterraneo, da questo scambio di merci , i Sardi, ops chiamiamoli Shardana, il nome che gli antichi Egizi gli davano, con il tempo, dicevo, forse anche grazie al fatto che in Sardegna ci sono sempre state miniere di minerali importanti come l'ossidiana, utile per costruire armi, forse perché impararono a difendersi da altri popoli, - i Nuraghe ne sono la dimostrazione - forse perché riuscirono a fare degli accordi con altri popoli del mare, diventarono dei pirati, temuti e rispettati in tutta l'antichità, se si pensa che dopo aver combattuto con i Faraoni, questi li presero come guardia personale, pagandoli come dei mercenari.

Nei secoli seguenti non bastò l'Impero Romano, non bastarono i bizantini nè gli spagnoli, e nemmeno gli italiani a distruggere la loro diffidenza, la loro cultura e le loro tradizioni, e questa cosa è molto bella, quasi incredibile in un'epoca di globalizzazione.
Un consiglio?
Andiamo a visitare la Sardegna, sono sicuro che non rimarremo delusi.


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