I confess: I love Milla Jovovich , becaus she is one of the hottest women in the world , just to 1997, the first time I saw " The Fifth Element ", a film by Luc Besson , 1997. Tall, beautiful, blonde, blue eyes, is the typical Nordic beauty . With Milla Jovovich want to open this new tag to the blog, which will be called " The Hottest Women in the World ". Milla Jovovich turns 40 Today Milla has 40 years (was born Dec. 17, 1975) and see how You may of course is even more beautiful. Milla is also definitely more mature, now has two children, had with her husband and director Paul WS Anderson . As a good the Italian male, I presume to know, or rather, to distinguish a beautiful woman , a woman who is considered to be beautiful, just because of the great Major, have decided that the woman in question is considered beautiful. Milla was the main actress of my erotic fantasies for a long time, I do not know why, but I think the thing, is due to an emotional fac
Come Possiamo Investire in Borsa e Diventare Ricchi Inseguendo il Sogno Italiano, l'Italian Dream.