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Visualizzazione dei post da giugno, 2014

Etna: video made ​​with drone wins UNESCO prize

A flight over Mount Etna , suspended a few dozen meters from the volcano, to admire it from above like birds and large birds of prey that still inhabit the forests of high altitude of this great natural laboratory for a year heritage. It is the 'short', created with the support of a drone by photographer and filmmaker Antonio Zimbone from Catania, who won the video section of Etna Unesco World Heritage .

Ireland best Country in the world, Italy 20th

Uno dei paradisi fiscali in Europa é stato considerato il migliore paese del Mondo, dal Good Country Index, così va il mondo. L'Italia si è rivelata solo 20a in questa classifica, proprio prima degli Stati Uniti e del Giappone. La classifica é stata fatta in base a parametri quale il contributo che ogni nazione da al mondo, a livello di diritti ai cittadini, contributo per la sicurezza internazionale e la cultura. Stupiti? Noi sì: non tanto per il Nostro 20° posto, ma per il 1° posto dell'Irlanda, paese a Noi simpatico, con persone squisite, che produce un'ottima birra, ma poi?

10 Things about 'Ndrangheta You didn't know

The story of 'Ndrangheta is linked to the history of Italy . It was just after the unification of the Kingdom of Italy (1861), which started the civil war in the south of Italy , which lasted until 1890. In this period, for various reasons, many farmers in Southern Italy, became brigands (today we call them terrorists) because they did not want to submit to the rigid laws of the Kingdom of Italy.

Best destination in Italy: Trasimeno Lake

Lake Trasimeno Trasimeno lake and Tuoro sul Trasimeno , in particular, confirm the best destinations for those who want to spend their holidays in an Italian lake .  The confirmation also for 2014 comes from the Guida Blu Blu of Legambiente who studied services and respect for the landscape and water quality of all the tourist lake . Tuoro sul Trasimeno , earned the highest grades 4 and 5 sails went Castiglione del Lago , Magione , Passignano sul Trasimeno . Legambiente and Touring reward those driving in town who can offer a dream holiday and quality , thanks to the sustainable management of an area of ​​excellence, the preservation of the landscape, to the services offered in the full respect of the environment and food and wine of high level . The Guida Blu was presented on June 13 in Rome, by the director general of Legambiente , the President of the Italian Touring Club.

Why Italy is called Italy?

The meaning of the word Italy has been the subject of reconstruction not only by linguists but also to historians, traditionally attentive to the issue; not always, however, we are faced with etymologies in the strict sense but rather on assumptions that are based on considerations extraneous to the specifically linguistic reconstruction of the name, and that by the time they formed a rich body of solutions, including those that are numerous refer to traditions not shown (such as the existence of a king named Italo ) or otherwise highly problematic (such as the name of the connection with the vine). What is usually judged to be sure of is that the name originally indicated only the mail in the extreme south of the Peninsula .

F-35 vs. Eurofighter Typhoon: the best multirole fighter

What are the differences between F 35 and Eurofighter Typhoon ? In fact , they are all 2 multirole fighter , but the F-35 has the distinction of being invisible to radar (in part) , to have a VSTOL version (ie taking off vertically ) , and that the aircraft Lockheed Martin coast EUR 200 million , while that of the Eurofighter GmbH , costs half as much , ie € 100 million (the cost figures are approximate but very close to reality ) , in a nutshell , given the number that we should buy , it would be a saving of 10 billion Euros . Assault Rifle Beretta ARX 10 Save money in times of economic crisis , not just on costs should be an urgent priority , and it does not seem that Our skies are so ' under pressure ' from having to buy these new weapons. Italian Air Force facts But we should pay the penalty for not having bought these planes! True, but it is also true that if we spend 10 billion euro instead of 20 will save 10BLN well , with this money we could afford ...

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