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Ferragosto Italian holiday |
Ma solo in Italia si celebra la festa del Ferragosto, il 15 Agosto di ogni anno, festa che storicamente iniziò ai tempi dell'Impero romano, una festa in cui si facevano gli auguri ai padroni e in cui i padroni davano una mancia ai lavoratori, la festa fu ripresa dallo Stato Pontificio, e più tardi, fu ripresa dal Fascismo, e ora? Ora il 15 Agosto le fabbriche sono chiuse, non si lavora ed é considerata una Festa nazionale, anche se non se ne capiscono bene le ragioni, se non quelle che é una tradizione.
Una tradizione che mette tutti d'accordo, fascisti ed antifascisti: l'Italia é così, queste 2 parti hanno sempre litigato, ma quando c'é da far festa vanno tutti d'accordo. "Franza o Spagna basta che se magna", insomma.
Italy is a democratic Republic which has anti-fascism as one of its legal bases, but ...
But only in Italy we celebrate the feast of the Ferragosto, August 15 of each year, a holiday that historically began at the time of the Roman Empire, a party where you were the best wishes to the owners and that the owners gave a tip to the workers, the holiday was revived by the Papal States, and later, was revived by Fascism, and now? Now August 15 factories are closed, you are not working and is considered a national holiday, even if you do not really understand the reasons, other than those that it is a tradition.
A tradition that everyone agrees, fascists and anti-fascists: Italy is so, these two shares have always had a fight, but when you remember to party are all in agreement.
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During these tours the most popular of Italian families for the first time had the chance to see with their own eyes the sea, the mountains and cities of art. Nevertheless, given that the tours did not include the food, was also born the tradition of connected Packed Lunches
Tourism in Italy
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