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Economia Italia, Massy Biagio's website on Finance and Personal Economy

Founded in 2014 by Massy Biagio, a freelance financial copywriter since 2007 who studied economics at the University of Perugia, Economia Italia has been pursuing its motto "economy on the consumer's side" for years, i.e. information on economics and personal finance for everyone or rather for people who know nothing about economics and finance because they didn't study it in compulsory school but at a certain point in their lives they had to deal with it.

massy biagio

Economia Italia: the site that explains the economy and personal finance to everyone

As the founder Mr. Biagio himself says, this site was opened because 10 years ago the Italian web offered little in the economic field, other than well-known newspapers such as Il sole 24h which however dealt with economic and financial news for people already educated on the subject.

Economia Italia has always wanted to bring its communication to an audience without knowledge of economics. Unfortunately, our school system presupposes compulsory schooling up to the age of 16 but in almost 10 years of school almost nothing about economics, finance or the simplest rules of accounting is taught.

As repeated several times in the pages of Economia Italia, if a person does not understand the simplest rules of accounting, how can he then consciously vote for a political party that bases its electoral campaign on economic issues?

In fact, several studies of the time pointed out that in Italy 73% of citizens were financially illiterate.

This ignorance also goes against the rights of every Italian citizen such as the right to change bank if you have a house mortgage that has too high interest or the right to change your current account and take it to another bank where it costs less .

In short, nothing complicated: Economia Italia had set itself this task.

The past and future challenges of the Economia Italia website

Over time, many economic and financial sites have been created, even very important projects with banks and finance companies behind them sponsoring them, so Economia Italia has looked for more and more specific niches.

In the last 1-2 years it has specialized in Stock and Bond Investments, bringing fresh news from the major newspapers, trade, financial operators and international and Italian rating agencies.

Because today what matters is information, more than money because by having the right information, you can also make money.

Economia Italia, Massy Biagio's website on Finance and Personal Economy

The future of financial information is now in the hands of large banks and large financial companies, according to Economia Italia, to the detriment of the consumer who will be able to listen to the only voice he will be able to hear that will tell him "invest with me"

The economics and finance niches in which this site specializes

When you are a small business, the only way to survive is to specialize in a few things but done very well, and the website was no different.

Italian Economy and the technical analysis of Italian and foreign shares listed on the Italian stock exchange

Stocks are “The King” of finance and the capitalist economy. The system of investments in shares is what allowed modern society starting from 1700 to arrive in 1800 and establish itself in 1900 to allow all citizens to bet on a company by buying a small share and wait for it to grow and developments. In this way, companies have found the necessary capital to buy machinery, offices and make investments to develop and grow.

It is precisely this type of investment that Economia Italia pays greater attention to, publishing the latest news on the largest companies, the complete financial data of the shares, the technical analyzes carried out by its research center, or taken from the most important open source databases of Wall Street or the Italian Stock Exchange.

The difference with other specialized sites is precisely in the communication: that is, explaining these data and news that are difficult to interpret to all those who want to invest and not only the economics graduate who already knows these things very well or the expert trader but those who they ignore them or at least have a very superficial knowledge of them.

Investments within everyone's reach

Economia Italia would like to participate in passing the message to Italians that keeping money in the current account is less advantageous than investing it. For this reason Economia Italia offers not only the best shares but also the best bonds of the period, from BTP and BOT government bonds to corporate bonds, but not only.

Economia Italia is one of the few sites that has always advised against investing in Bitcoin due to their volatility but above all because they have no rules, then who knows, at the momentwhose laws and rules arrive will also change their opinion.

Economia Italia is also one of the few sites that talks about 360° investments, that is, from real estate investments to those in gold, but also those that are considered collector's investments such as art, paintings, watches and luxury cars and so on, fashion and the latest trends suggest.

But it is precisely the message that "Investments are within everyone's reach" that is fundamental for the website

On the other hand, even a simple worker who does not have a stable job today should think about creating a supplementary pension for old age, or personal insurance in case of problems.

The independent financial information of Economia Italia

The positive note of this site that talks about economics and personal finance is precisely its independence from the various promoters. It is true that it uses affiliations to finance itself but they are clearly underlined advertisements that have nothing to do with the financial instruments that the site reviews and gives its opinions on.

On the other hand, nothing is sold on Economia Italia and financial advice is not given, you can only read it to come away a little more educated on finance and economics.

Contact Massy Biagio


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