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Italian Embassy spying by Nsa

Italian Embassy spied by Nsa
Italian Embassy
in Washington DC
Not only Italy was fully "objective" of the giant American operation of espionage set up by the NSA, but the U.S. had reached 007 also place the bugs in the Italian Embassy in Washington. The latest sensational revelations were published tonight on the Guardian website, citing documents made ​​filter by Edward Snowden, the former analyst at American and mole Datagate.
On the day when Europe, furious at reports of systematic espionage of its institutions, has threatened to blow up the free trade negotiations with the United States if everything was confirmed, it reveals very close attention that the intelligence American reserved - and probably continues to reserve - to Our Country.

It 'was the first Spiegel, always with the Snowden documents, to reveal how the NSA - through the program Boundless Informant - spying on communications even in Italy and France, although to a lesser extent to those in Germany: in a chart posted on the German weekly, you can 'see the curve of the interception of telephone metadata from Italy, that between 10 and 19 December 2012 roamed consistently around 4 million a day, and then declined rapidly to zero on December 25.

Soon after, 'was the turn of the Guardian, who scored to make sensational information, or that the U.S. has placed bugs in embassies in Washington and in New York, where are the missions to the United Nations. The document quoted by the British newspaper lists 38 of these embassies and missions describing them as "target to attack" and to be monitored with an extraordinarily wide range of methods of espionage, just up the bugs. But not only that we also talk about the infiltration of computer network that allowed you to read e-mail and internal documents.
In the objective of the American secret agents of the NSA, as well as 'enemies' of the United States and the sensitive targets in the Middle East, there were then the European missions, embassies of Italy, France and Greece, and those of other allied countries as Japan, Mexico, South Korea, India and Turkey.
In the list, dated September 2010, do not appear instead United Kingdom, Germany and other Western European states. The United States, through a spokesman for the National Security Agency, have signaled that they will clarify the situation through "diplomatic channels", and with the European institutions and with individual countries concerned "at the bilateral level," but who do not intend to make public comments on this story.

L' Ambasciata Italiana spiata dai servizi segreti americani (NSA)

Nuove rivelazioni stanotte dal Guardian e da Spiegel, circa un sistematico spionaggio delle sedi delle ambasciate di varie nazione, di cui molte alleate dell'America tra cui le Nostre: quella Italiana di Washington e la delegazione italiana alle Nazioni Unite.
Nella lista, oltre le ambasciate italiane, c'è quella greca, giapponese, del Sud Corea, della Francia, della Turchia e dell'India, mancano quella della Gran Bretagna e della Germania.
Il capo della NSA, ha fatto sapere che chiarirà questo increscioso episodio tramite i canali diplomatici, ma che non rilasceranno dichiarazioni pubbliche.


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