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tourism in italy
The BTO is without doubt the Italian event which tells the story of tourism in Italy today.
He tells us what is happening and what will happen: an observatory reliable and attentive to the changes, combining with the technological changes in society: it makes us understand where we came to show us what the future holds.
There are three important aspects that the fourth edition of BTO showed:Technological developments and their impact - The problems related to lack of investment in travel and tourism

- The new opportunities for tourism
We heard that the Italians are second to none when it comes to mobile phones - and that we all know, just look around on the streets, in cars, everywhere ... everybody is doing something with their constant companion - your mobile phone, also gifts for Christmas
The importance of the mobile Web has grown significantly in the last year and this trend is unstoppable.
On the other hand to make a (small) investment to develop a mobile version (at least of) the home page of a hotel is "difficult." As always in Italy we are masters in the art of make do: ADSL is a sewer? We do not do anything with the phone! We spend (on average) 6 hours and 27 minutes on Facebook, while the global average is about 5 hours. 

We are very social. Large areas have been granted to multinational online travel (the OTA - Online Travel Agencies) who've been significant slices of the market (because GDP and revenues go abroad and do not remain in Italy). They start to see interesting facts about travelers from emerging BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China).
Russians have heard often in recent years and we know that are not new to "excursions" in our country, in Tuscany and Emilia Romagna ... for others we know little - here are some data and information to think about: Travelers are younger than the global average (35 to 41 years than the global average), but could not be that way - they are very young, dynamic country by demographics ...
They have disposable income and more leisure time than they had in the past have worked hard and now are searching for quality and are willing to pay, but at the same time are very careful about how they spend their money We must abandon the scheme (or model) of the chamber according to standardized criteria western: many Indians are vegetarians, while the Chinese like to drink hot water in the morning and wonder if you are proposing water (or milk) cold breakfast: for them is crucial Room to have the kettle for tea Even the Indians are great users of mobile telephony - Internet penetration in India is just 8% .5 yet mobile Internet users in India there are about 100 million today and gain access through this trip - you travel, many of which last minute directly from their phone.
One of the most widely used portals and leading provider of online travel in India is Last year I came to Italy about 600,000 Brazilians and 1 million Chinese. He travels for work and for making holiday (honeymoon)
The Chinese know little or nothing outside of Italy's three main goals, and notes in the world: Rome, Florence and Venice - their vacations are short, very short indeed with a very tight schedule and travel packages programmed with "all inclusive" and then travels overnight We must not bring the Chinese to eat Chinese in Italy: The Chinese restaurants in Italy are among the best in the world
Tourists love the BRIC Italy It is a fact of life - art, culture and fashion are on the agenda for these wealthy tourists, informed and well educated. And Italy?
Must do much because this is not people who come with the complex of inferiority.
We must train the operators and how these momentous changes to teach them: Guests "new" with very different needs and expectations - change the world changes the tourists - it is time to make radical changes (even) in the world (or is it better said the industry) of tourism - that is what says BTO.
Source here.


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