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Italian Special Forces in front of the Libyan coast, ready to fight ISIS

Italian Special Forces, left from La Spezia and Taranto, pointing to Libya, ready to fight ISIS.
But will stop before the border with the territorial waters of Tripoli. Formally engaged in an exercise, even if the features are not just the classic ones of the training: ready to intervene if the situation were to become dangerous.
The news has been confirmed by several sources unofficial Italian military.
The concerns of a sudden pressure of events that could affect the strategic interests of Italy in Libya, have triggered the alarm of the Italian defense forces.
Everything happened between Thursday and Friday. The soldiers of the San Marco Regiment arrived in La Spezia in the middle of the night. Crossed the city and then drive along the old walls of the Arsenal and get up to the barracks of Comsubin (Command divers and rangers), to Varignano, the headland to the west of the bay. There, the raiders, already awake, preparing the means, the need for the mission. Ready to get on the ship San Giorgio, came specially from Brindisi.

italian special forces in lybia
Greenstream pipeline, where african gas goes to Italy

The Italian pipeline must be protected:

  • The threat of the Isis, until a few months ago, it seemed far away. Now Italy is forced to intervene. This is not an act of war.
  • Planning the landing in Libya, where the commercial interests Italians are relevant. Especially on the coast, where it passes the Greenstream underwater pipeline Eni that winds between the compressor station Mellitah, and the terminal receiving gas Gela, Sicily. A 520 km long structure, many of which paths in the Mediterranean, protected by 20 thousand men of the guard loyal to the legitimate government of Tobruk.
  • The areas around Tripoli, are epicenters of chaos, with entire disputed areas between Libyan Alba, who established a parallel government in the capital, and the jihadists.
  • Almost two years ago, the terminal Mellitah had been occupied by a group of Berbers. Now is tempting to guerrillas ready to sabotage the Western enemy.
    Italian Special Forces in front of the Libyan coast, ready to fight ISIS
    Above: training of Italian Special Forces "CONSUBIN", from San Marco

Italy is ready to combat:

  • On the mission, also from Rome transpires some confirmation but nothing official.
  • But the night between Thursday and Friday in La Spezia not gone unnoticed by the arrival of the ship San Giorgio was never reached in the Ligurian Gulf in recent times, and designed to form a unit amphibious. Speedboats and spears with onboard tools and supplies for the military, had made great movements to move men and equipment. Not docked in nearby Marola, as usually happens for trainings.
  • San Giorgio-class amphibious transport dock, it was moored in front of the Varignano. Throughout the morning went on the procedures of the ship's cargo, which then sailed lunchtime. Someone over there has noticed.
  • Despite the maximum, the tension and nervousness are skipped in the eyes of the people that in mid-February had witnessed an intensification of military training, with the Italian aircraft carrier Cavour.
    italian special forces comsubin
    Italian special forces are ready to combat terrorists in Lybia

Not a war against Lybia, but a war against ISIS:

  • According to rumors, tomorrow 2 March, amphibian assault ship San Giorgio, will be in front of the Libyan territorial waters, ready to intervene if the few Italians who still works in the pipeline would require help.
  • From 2 March 2015, the Italian Military Navy, will return to perform the 'tutorial' Open Sea 'in the waters of the Tyrrhenian and Ionian, with the deployment of a large part of the available units. It will be an opportunity to "flex its muscles" in the face of a crisis very delicate.
  • It must be said that the whole area is under the continuous and constant control of Italian spy satellites.
  • In Sicily there is also Sigonella, a major NATO air base in Europe, home to hundreds of war planes of all nations, and from where, the fighter-war Italians, Americans and Europeans, could arrive in Libya in a few minutes.


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